Creating Desirable Long Lasting Places
The central principle of sustainability is to create desirable, long lasting places where people will want to live and work.
The design and appearance of the built environment therefore has an important role to play.
Sustainability is central to our business. We always consider the environmental, social and economic impacts of using the stone we source and supply.
We always endeavour to lower the carbon footprint of our activities, we work closely with communities in which we operate and we consider natural habitats. We also understand the need for post quarry site restoration.
The Most Sustainable Building Material Available
Natural stone is the most sustainable building facade material available, and the only material which history has proved can create attractive long lasting places which in every sense stand the test of time.
Well designed natural stone building facades are timeless, long lasting and highly cost effective on a whole life cycle basis, both financially and environmentally.
Traditional or contemporary, natural stone is the most sustainable building facade material choice.

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